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FAQ's About Weight Loss

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A weight loss program like this can create a lot of questions. Luckily, we have answers to help you get to the next step.

These are the most common questions that we have been asked over the years. Sometimes, not knowing simple pieces of information like this can prevent you from reaching a more healthy lifestyle. Please review the information below and then contact us to set up a free consultation

How much weight can I expect to lose?

Every patient is different, and how much weight you can lose depends on your personal Body Mass Index, health conditions, motivation level and goals. Dr. Katsura and his staff will design your dietMD Hawaii program and monitor your progress so that you can safely achieve your goals. Then it’s up to you to take action! The average dietMD patient loses 3 to 7 pounds per week – up to 30 pounds in the first month.

What if I only want to lose a few pounds?

As long as your health qualifies for our program, you can choose to lose as little as ten lbs. Many of our clients join our program after struggling to lose belly fat, shed after-pregnancy weight gain, or even to be fitter for their career. When doing it alone isn’t working, or isn’t working fast enough – call us at (808) 551-4348.

What is Dr. Katsura's DietMD Hawaii Program for weight loss?

Our program is unique in that it is the only physician-supervised weight management program of its type on the Islands. Our doctor, Dr. Bruce Katsura, helps you achieve dietary behavior modification and lifestyle changes so that you can reach your goals and keep the weight off. We do not employee a "one-size-fits-all" approach, and instead tailor each plan to the individual needs of each patient.

How fast can I lose weight? And is it safe?

As you’ll see on our website, dietMD Hawaii patients can lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days. However, this is under Dr. Bruce Katsura’s supervision. To lose weight this quickly, and safely, medical supervision is highly recommended. Plus, you get the added benefit of learning habits to help you keep the weight off. No more extreme diets or risks!

All I want is a prescription for an appetite suppressant. Will you just write me one?

No. We never give out stand-alone prescriptions for appetite suppressants. We believe they can be safely used in conjunction with a comprehensive weight loss program including ongoing medical supervision.

About Obesity:

How do I know if I'm obese?

Obesity is a condition where the amount of body fat carried by a person shortens their life span and increases their susceptibilty to illness. If you have body fat sufficient to affect your quality of life and health in a negative way, you can get your Body Mass Index checked. A BMI higher than generally considered healthy normally correlates with body fat sufficent to be defined as obesity.

How many women in the US are overweight or obese?

As of 2009-2012, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 64.7% of US adult women were overweight (includes obesity). This is an increase from 61.2% during the 2003-2006 measurement period. Over one-third (36.4%) of adult women were classified as obese in 2009-2012.

How many men in the US are overweight or obese?

As of 2009-2012, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 73% of US adult men were overweight (includes obesity). This is an increase from 72.6% during the 2003-2006 measurement period. Over one-third (35.1%) of adult men were classified as obese in 2009-2012.

How does the BMI work?

The BMI or Body Mass Index is a calculation which takes your weight in kilograms (kg) divided by your height in meters (m)squared. Since your BMI describes your body weight relative to height, it correlates strongly with your amount of body fat. However it is not a direct measure of body fat, and by itself is only an indicator of obesity/overweight. For example, very muscular individuals can have a high BMI without being overweight. Because of this, other methods such as calculating waist-to-hip circumference ratios are also used to evaluate obesity. Note that BMI is used differently for children. For Adults, these are the generally accepted ranges within BMI:A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight.

A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered healthy.
A BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight.
A BMI between 30 and 35 is considered moderately obese.
A BMI between 35 and 40 is considered severely obese.
A BMI of 40 or higher is considered very severely (morbidly) obese.

Is being obese unhealthy?

Obesity increases the risk of developing diseases including:Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes

• High blood pressure (hypertension)
• Stroke (cerebrovascular accident or CVA)
• Heart attack (myocardial infarction or MI)
• Heart failure (congestive heart failure)
• Cancer (certain forms such as cancer of the prostate and cancer of the colon and rectum)
• Gallstones and gall bladder disease (cholecystitis)
• Gout and gouty arthritis
• Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis) of the knees, hips, and the lower back
• Sleep apnea (failure to breath normally during sleep, lowering blood oxygen)

Is obesity a medical condition?

Yes, and in America obesity is becoming an epidemic which claims nearly 300,000 lives every year. Obesity is fast becoming the United States leading cause of preventable death. Over 68% of the adult population is overweight. Studies indicate that obesity correlates with an increased incidence of injury from accidents such as falling, and even being hit by cars crossing the street. Obesity adds risk to any medical operation requiring anesthesia.


How does the complimentary doctor consultation work?

When you come in for your FREE consultation, Dr. Katsura will go over your medical history, and custom-design a program to meet your specific weight loss goals. Dr. Katsura personally selects the appropriate combination of medication, diet and exercise to suit your needs and assists you to accomplish your goals. Our staff is always here to assist you in achieving lasting weight loss and improving your quality of life.

Are you available on weekends for appointments?

We are available on limited Saturdays. Please call 808-551-4348

How long does the program take?

Lifelong! Seriously, our Fast Start Program is 3 months – during this time you will begin to burn fat and ease into new habits that will transform your level of fitness and happiness. After the Fast Start Program, you’ll have the option of enrolling in the Aloha Lifestyle Program to ensure that you have ongoing support and monitoring when you most desire it.

How often do I get to see Dr. Katsura?

After your initial consultation and medical tests, we’ll schedule you for weekly appointments with Dr. Katsura or his trained medical staff.

Cost of the program

Will my insurance cover the program?

Our program is covered by HMSA and most insurance companies. Please bring your insurance information to your consultation for our staff to determine if you insurance will cover the program. We accept cash, flexible spending cards and all major credit cards. We also have an excellent financing program through CARE CREDIT. If you qualify, your monthly payments can be as low as $130! Use one of the buttons to set up a consultation, and we can give you inforamtion on this option.

How much does the DietMD Hawaii Program cost?

Your investment in the Fast Start Program depends on your payment terms. Please call our office so we can find the best plan for you and get you the treatment you need to help you lose weight.We also have an excellent financing program through CARE CREDIT. If you qualify your monthly payments can be as low as $67!

Your initial consultation is free!
It costs nothing for you to get started on your weight-loss journey. Click the button to fill out a brief form and schedule an appointment.

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Contact Us:

• 808-551-4348
• Paiko Building (middle building) St. Francis Medical Center
2228 Liliha Street, suite 401 Honolulu, HI 96817

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